Hello blogosphere! How has your weekend been? Did you enjoy elaborate dinners and fancy outings and dreamy drives in the rains? I hope you did! I've had one of those weekends from hell, courtesy of my friendly neighborhood dentist (amazing what references kiddie shopping gets into your head!) who decided it was time to remove a particularly irritating tooth (I've been a regular...
Blue Baubles
This week has been one of the most stressful ones ever. I had to make tough life decisions, run around the country (literally) and try not to screw all of it up while sleeping for less than two hours a day. Oh, and did I mention, I've finally enrolled in college for masters which means I'l be running around town for the next...
Sorry for being MIA this week. I've just been grappling with lots of big life decisions and a few handful of firsts! But more on that later. Here's a quick peek into my upcoming outfit post. Shiny blue things always manage to capture my attention! Stay tuned to view the complete outfit! In the meantime, you could read my previous outfit posts here and oh,...
You know those times when you have a song stuck in your head and you can't seem to get it out no matter what you try? Well, that's pretty much my whole life. I always have a song in my head. I've been known to hum songs even when I'm writing exams or giving interviews! Yes, life's just not the same unless you...
I've always been a huge Taylor Swift fan! The title track from her album Red is stuck in my head for some reason, so I thought, might aswell dress in red. Here's a sneak peek into my latest outfit post. How cool does that ring look?! If you follow me on Instagram (and if no, they why not?!!) you know its one of...
Dots And Bows
I wrote my last post (you can read it here) about dressing for girls who don't want a Marilyn Monroe moment when they're out and about town (that's quite a real possibility thanks to the windy rains we've been seeing!). Here's another way to dress along those lines. I bought this playsuit last year before a trip to Goa with the family. While...
Anything with polka dots and pretty bows makes me feel instantly girly. Here's a little sneak peek into my affair with polka dots! This clutch is my go to for weddings because I can't be bothered with fancy ones when I have to worry about wedding wear (but more on that later)! And black goes with everything doesn't it? DOESN'T IT?!? Anyway, stay...
Monsoons have been proclaiming their arrival for quite some time now. And not to mention the heat in the off time between intermittent showers. While its all good to be a cool fashionista and wear smart clothes such as mini skirts (like I did here) and maxis made of quick drying fabrics (see mine here) or maybe just a simple dress(the way I...
Clothes in the rains don't need to be complicated. Sometimes, simple outfits can still make you feel chic. Here's a little sneak peek into my comfort dressing. This is hands down my favorite necklace! Keep visiting to find out how I styled it. In the meantime, you could read my previous outfit posts here. You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Bloglovin! See you soon! ...
Some rainy days, you can't take the effort to figure out interesting combinations of things in your wardrobe. At times like these, like a million others, I fall back to my wardrobe staple...aka stripes. And when its raining like there's no tomorrow, a quick drying skirt is all I need to look cool and feel comfortable. The fact that the outfit turned monochrome...
I can't believe that an outfit I put together on a day when I felt no inspiration turned out to be one of my favorites this week! Here's a little peek into what it looked like! Stay tuned to see the entire outfit! In the meantime, you can go through my previous outfit posts here. You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Bloglovin! ...
Mint and Blue
I have been leaning towards blue a lot lately. I seem to add atleast one piece of "blue" to my daily outfit to feel complete. On the other hand, mint is something I've been lusting after. I desperately want a few pieces in mint for my wardrobe. Especially after seeing the fabulous Jessica Quirk of What I Wore rocking it in various forms...