About - Chiconomical


Hello everyone! Thanks for checking out my blog!!

You know the times when you look at something in a mall, fall head over heels in love with it, and then look at the price tag which is the proverbial bucket of ice on your head?! This happens to me all the time, especially with non-existent student money that is never enough!

So, this is a blog about all things Chic as well as economical (in terms of Indian currency coz, come'on, a country of zillions, and still nowhere to figure out their dressing needs?!)

My ideal outfit would be an outfit that suits my style and doesn't burn a hole in my pocket! I can spent hours at my favorite shopping haunts searching for bargains. My friend once called me an energizer bunny that draws power from shopping. That could be true, maybe, you can figure that out for yourself by going through my blog.

If you've got any comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to lemme know! I'm ALWAYS happy to hear from you!! You can find out how to get in touch with me on the Contacts page!