April 2014 - Chiconomical
In Indian Fashion Blogger, Mumbai Fashion Blogger

Always Be My Baby

Its my sister's birthday! Woot woot! Happy birthday girl! This girl has been 'The Sister' all my life. Okay, so my friends know her as that girl who always manages to make me worry, smile, go nuts and become mommy like, all at the same time! Now my sister dearest is going through a pretty tough time this year. Lots of personal things,...

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In Indian Fashion Blogger, Internal Musings


Hello Blogosphere. I'm really very sorry I've been away for a long time. Life has taken a few crazy turns in last few days, and I simply have been running full speed to keep up. Why have I been away you ask? Well, it started off with a spell of acute sickness, and ended with a family tragedy. It seems like a lifetime...

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