January 2015 - Chiconomical
In Blogadda, Book Review

Book Review: The Aryavarta Chronicles: Kurukshetra - Krishna Udyasankar

...."Everytime a Story is told, it changes".... You know a book you read has an impact on you when you quote from it. This line, in an way, explains everything that The Aryavarta Chronicles by Krishna Udayasankar embodies. The battle of Kurukshetra, while nothing new to anyone who's ever been remotely interested in Indian mythology comes to life in a different but interesting...

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In Festival, India

Snippets from Mood Indigo and A Win

Last month, I had a chance to attend one of the biggest college festivals in out country, aka, Mood Indigo. While I was unable to attend the various events on all the days, I did manage to squeeze in some interesting activities! Right from eating in the food court (pizzas, burgers and wraps oh my!) to meeting a blogger I've admired, I did...

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In #GetSetBolt Bavity, Blogadda

#GetSetBolt with Tata Bolt

I'm not a very big fan of cars. Yes, I can drive one fairly well, but I somehow can't get fascinated by them the way boys do. So when I came across the latest activity on Blogadda which involved reviewing a car, I was a bit hesitant at first. Sure, the grand prize is something that everybody wants (who doesn't want a new...

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