January 2017 - Chiconomical
In Mumbai Lifestyle Blogger, Subscription Box

Luxury at A Bargain - Sartorial Box

I get a lot of queries about how you can do luxury fashion on a budget. While this is something of a paradox in itself, I'm always searching for a way to tackle these requests. This is exactly why, when I came across the Rock N Shop's new Sartorial Box, I decided it was one of the answers to your questions!  The Rock N...

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In Colaba Causeway Shopping, Mumbai Fashion Blogger

How to Wear A Poncho and OTK Boots

I've never been a poncho person. My first tryst with the Poncho came while watching Ugly Betty where she's sporting a loud poncho on her first day of work at Mode magazine. Who else remembers that entrance?? Anyway, obviously that made me feel that there was no way I could ever make a poncho look good so I never tried. Then last year...

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In Colaba Causeway, Statement Necklace

#ThriftOnThursdays: Gold Statement Necklace

I've thought about restarting this segment for along time now and there's no time better than the new year to make new beginnings...so from now on, every Thursday, there will be a street find that's fabulous in both style and price! Today's pick? What: Gold Statement Necklace Where: Stall opposite Delhi Durbar, Colaba Causeway Price: Rs. 300 This gold statement necklace has spikes...

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In Colaba Causeway Shopping, Mumbai Fashion Blogger

New Year, New Start, Hello 2017

Happy New Year Everyone! I wanted to start the new year by sharing some personal thoughts. I believe Life is all about balance and as we start 2017, I can't help but look for that stability in life. I want to achieve things and I don't want to wait for a shoe to drop to signal the beginning. As we say hello to...

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