Vivacious In Vogue
20:56:00Hello world! (Writing that reminds me of the first program I always write in any new programming language I learn...wait, you didn't get the joke? Guess your not a technical person, sigh!) I've been spending most of my time at home lately, courtesy looming exams and a bout of illness.
So of course like any normal human being, i found solace in maniacally reading on the internet.
Wait, that's just me? *SIGH*
I've hit on a couple of Indian online shopping websites(this is slowly turning into an addiction) that have really dazzled me! Case in point, Vivacious In Vogue
Here's a round up of the things I liked on the site. While it isn't really keeping in with the 'Chiconomical' tag, its a great place to get some staple pieces to add to your wardrobe.
This is one of my FAV dresses here! Its plaid and its a dress! Need i say more! Get it here
Because this bag will go with everything I own! Sadly its out of my price range at Rs.1900 unless i want to get skinned alive by my mum, but you can get it here
Orange is the new red in my life! I seem to be drawn to it! And this blazer lets me layer without dying, a definite requirement in for the Mumbai weather! Its available here, but again, at Rs.1900, waay out of my price range at the mo!
Coz I imagine wearing this would make me feel like I'm on fire! Get it here
For the ONE day of winter that the city has! Get it here
Cos, no post of mine seems to be complete without stripes these days.Also, the back detail makes it a bit different. You can get it here
There were also a number of gorgeous necklaces on the site, but honestly they'd be a bit cheaper if you make the time to simply hit the streets to buy them. But still, if your hard-pressed for time, you can always get them here. Also, the tops were a bit humdrum for my tastes and I wish there were more trousers/bottoms options available.
So that's my round up for the day. I'l definitely be getting a few things from this site(read orange blazer) once I've got a bit more time (and a lot more money!). Till then, Happy shopping!