Every person who works in corporate world will swear by casual Fridays which are to be the days for "smart" casuals. Now I'm nowhere close to a real job yet, so that basically means I can get away with wearing lots of "smart" (And not so smart) casuals everyday. My Uni isn't exactly short stuff friendly,so you will usually find me in a...
Its mid November and summer refuses to leave my city. Yes, I love summer and all its glorious views like being roasted alive on public transport with a dozen other people, but I do pray that winter comes soon. Or atleast "not summer dresses" weather. Its really frustrating when you have all your pretty winter clothes lined up and nowhere to wear them!...
I'm back! I know this looks bad. I disappear for weeks altogether, only to reappear on the blogosphere with a string of new review posts. What have I been upto recently? A lot of this and that. Apart from spending quite a few hours working, I seem to be doing lots of random things thanks to all the cousins who have been dropping...
What happens when you cross Gamer, Banker, Politician and Terrorist with virtual money? That’s the hook in the blurb on God is a Gamer. Written by Ravi Subramanian, I was sent this book for review by BlogAdda. I loved that the book was signed (see the picture below) and had a little note from the BlogAdda team. The first thing you notice when...
As you all know from my lack of new posts, I haven’t had the time to blog lately (well, even breathe on some days, but more on that later!). However, when I came across BlogAdda’s new #ShopQuikr campaign, I thought it was just the thing I needed to give myself a few new goodies and give myself the kick on the behind I...