This and That


I'm back! I know this looks bad. I disappear for weeks altogether, only to reappear on the blogosphere with a string of new review posts. What have I been upto recently? A lot of this and that. Apart from spending quite a few hours working, I seem to be doing lots of random things thanks to all the cousins who have been dropping by in the past few weeks.

So here's a little picture montage, if you will, of all the things I've been upto lately. Two of my adorable sisters were in India last month, and we spent some quality time together over the weekend. We dressed up, we playing in the pool, took loads of selfies and walked on the beach. We even went shopping but somehow, everything that we found was always in my sister's size and not mine. (Boo!!) I even managed to go on a drive with my cousins one evening. Not many pictures from that night. What did we do? Walk and talk on Marine Drive (this was the first time I got a chance to talk to my cousin after 13 years!!), ice cream, pretty lights, firecrackers!

A holiday dress to start the weekend holiday.
A flower I picked up during our walk in the hotel garden
Morning walks on the beach

The view from our room! 
Yes, there was food.  chinese with the most gorgeous table pieces!
Sunsets at the beach

Tiny spoons make me smile.
And drinks. Watermelon! <3
Little presents. 
Extra hot sizzlers. 
Drinks with the family! 
And ice cream, with fruit!
Sunset from the corridor outside the lab! 
A few more drinks with the siblings! 
Midnight drives in the city! Marine drive!! 
And finally! Shopping! There's gotta be shopping!! 

 Other than lots of dinners with the family and lots of catching up, I've spent the rest of my time working on my Masters project, travelling to and from all the different labs and catching up on sleep when I get the chance.

Well, I don't make a lot of promises, but I shall try to post more outfit posts soon! Till then, you can catch a couple of new posts via the links below! 

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