Not really a dating person? Well, you don't need a man to celebrate Valentine's Day. I love the idea of having an all girls date and that's pretty much what I've planned for myself. Honestly, give the boy chasing a break and take sometime to relax, enjoy yourself and not worry too much about your love life. Oh, and aren't things always more...
Valentine's Day is just round the corner and I know there are lots of people out there already planning their outfits or probably frantically ordering things online at the last minute for their better halves. Personally, I'm spending the week pampering myself with a bunch of presents for myself and these are all making me smile loads! However, for all those love birds...
I'm not a fan of yellows. I usually think that since most of my wardrobe is black I'll invariable end up looking like a taxi advert if I do wear yellow. Which is why, owning a mustard colored anything is a complete novelty for me. Of course buying this dress brought with itself the challenge of styling it without looking like a taxi...