July 2016 - Chiconomical
In #DreamTrails, Blogadda

Wanderlust: My #DreamTrails for 2016

What we want in life - Travel, Fall in Love, Be Happy - A friend's photo caption It's crazy how a single line and a single image can make you feel the strongest pangs of wanderlust. I personally haven't been much of a traveller until recently. Somehow, the wanderbug has bit me hard over the last year so much so that I have...

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In gum boots, Indian Fashion Blogger

Rainy Day Outfit: What to Wear when its Raining Yet Sunny

Monsoon hitting the city mean a endless cycle of grey skies, petrichor and lots of wetness. Mumbai rains especially have a way of playing hide and seek with its residents with its completely unpredictable weather. One minute its pouring and the next it seems to be sunnier than a holiday at a beach. This means you have to be extra careful when you...

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In Blogger Review, Indian Fashion Blogger

June 2016 Sugarbox Review: The Monsoon Crush Edition

The monsoons are here! And right in time with them the Sugarbox #TheMonsoonCrushEdition is here too. Can I just say, this is by far one of my favorite boxes since I started to subscribe to Sugarbox. I honestly like everything in there this time, which is a first for me. So without further delay, lets dive right in! 1. Bar Cake Sweet things...

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In Brunch Look Ideas, Indian Fashion Blogger

What to Wear on Summer Weekends: An Easy Weekend Outfit

Summers have given way to monsoons in Mumbai. As much as I love the pitter patter of rains, I've realised I like summers more purely because of the wide array of outfits I can wear thanks to the good weather. At the same time, summers also bring with them a sort of lethargy where all I want to to is sip my iced...

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In Blogger Book Review, Blogger Review

Book Review: Ramayana - Book 3 - The Game of Life, Stolen Hope - Shubha Vilas

A couple of months ago, I got an email asking me if I would be interested in reviewing Book 3 in Shubha Vilas' epic rendition of the Ramayana. Now, seeing as I had already read book 2, I agreed willingly. If you've read my previous review you know I was less than impressed with the last book. Somehow, I felt it was a...

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