June 2016 Sugarbox Review: The Monsoon Crush Edition - Chiconomical

June 2016 Sugarbox Review: The Monsoon Crush Edition


The monsoons are here! And right in time with them the Sugarbox #TheMonsoonCrushEdition is here too. Can I just say, this is by far one of my favorite boxes since I started to subscribe to Sugarbox. I honestly like everything in there this time, which is a first for me. So without further delay, lets dive right in!

1. Bar Cake

Sweet things first! I love that the sugarbox has a little sweet treat in every box. I love the idea of a chocolate bar that's also a cake. This was definitely a rather nice thing in the box and has already been devoured with glee.

2. Patterned Box

Girls love pretty pink things. And when the box tell you "Hey Beautiful", its a definite plus. This little box has a cute lid with a butterfly on it. While I quite like the lid, I would much rather use this box as a pen storage since I quite like the idea of being able to see the bottom that makes me smile!

3. Kallos Fruit Facial Kit
Facials...hmmm. I know a number of girls who do this at home and I'm the anti-girl when it comes to anything that requires me to follow several steps. Yes, I've never in my life got a facial, ever. However, now that there's fruit involved, the promise of coming away from it smelling like strawberries and peaches maybe will swing me towards my ever home facial. I shall review it if I do try it out!

4. Floral Earrings

Now these earring already made an appearance on almost all my social media. I think they're totally quirky and rather unique. I still haven't worn them but I think I may just wear them to office this week to add a bit of interest to any ol' boring office outfit.

5. Happy Girls are the Prettiest Pouch

How true is this quote? While I didn't really like the quality of this pouch I absolutely loved the quote. I can't agree enough and think that every person could do with a little happiness in their life. Be kind people, it don't cost a thing!

6. Boho Jacket

Okay. So I think the gods of Boho do not wish me to stop wearing quirky things. I have been trying to find an interesting boho jacket and thanks to them brilliant gods, I've got one in this month's Sugarbox. Floral, check. Fringe, check. Mad love, double check! I'm pretty sure you'll see this in a post this month very very soon!

7. Quirky Printed Umbrella
And finally, pretty much the most loved and useful item from the June Sugarbox. This absolutely gorgeous umbrella. The print, the bright colors and the ultra indianess. I don't think there's anything about it that you can hate. A definite must for those gloomy rainy days that we will most certainly have this month.

And that's the crazy list folks. Honestly, that's a lot of goodies packed into this month's Sugarbox. I think I have loved every single thing here and unlike a few previous months, everything can be used immediately. Awesome job team Sugarbox. You've certainly nailed it this month! Loved the June, 2016 Sugarbox.

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