July 2018 - Chiconomical
In Affordable Finds, Casual Workwear

How to Wear a Cold-Shoulder Top to Work

Wouldn't it be amazing if all of us could wear all our weekend outfits to work on Monday. I personally like buying pieces that can work at the office as well as a more casual setting but for the longest time, the off shoulder top had me stumped. This trend that is every 'cool' girl's favorite piece at the moment is absolutely amazing...

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In 3 ways to wear, Girlie

3 Ways to Wear A Fandom Tshirt and Look Cool

I'm a geek at heart! There, I said it. I'm a book reading, nerdy glasses wearing, fandom merchandise collecting geek. Behind the fancy fashion blogger you see, I'm making crazy faces, reading endlessly or generally just goofing around in my Doctor Who Tshirt! But there are so many people out there who feel that just don't look cool when they flaunt their fandom...

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