3 Ways to Wear A Fandom Tshirt and Look Cool - Chiconomical

3 Ways to Wear A Fandom Tshirt and Look Cool


I'm a geek at heart! There, I said it. I'm a book reading, nerdy glasses wearing, fandom merchandise collecting geek. Behind the fancy fashion blogger you see, I'm making crazy faces, reading endlessly or generally just goofing around in my Doctor Who Tshirt! But there are so many people out there who feel that just don't look cool when they flaunt their fandom and I'm here to tell you, you can do it! Today's post heavily features my books n beyond box Poirot Tshirt. Yes, instead of going the regular Harry Potter/Lord of The Rings/Doctor Who (I love you Doctor!) route, I've decided to rock a tshirt that actually talks about one of my favorite literary characters. I do love Agatha Christie who has probably been a companion to every reader at some point in their lives if they're people who like fiction.

1. The Polished Friday Casual Look

So this is a look designed to make you flaunt your fandom at the office. A blazer instantly makes everything look so much better in my opinion and a simple black blazer can take your everyday going to the market look and make it more work appropriate (okay, Friday work appropriate if you're a boring corporate like me). In fact, you can probably put on some makeup to take this look out for a spin on a Friday night round town!

2. The Feminine Flirty Look

I'm a person who loves creating feminine silhouettes and that means pairing an almost grunge tshirt with a pretty skirt and telling the world to guess my fandom. Yes, I'm a girl who can look sexy and still be a total geek in her head. I'm actually the most comfortable in a simple maxi dress or skirt and an oversized t-shirt. For a little bit extra, I added my Caraval bag to the look. This is a great outfit to wear on the weekend to a casual brunch or every with a pair of pretty heels for a night out!!

3. The Grunge Look

Yes girl, if the first look wasn't for you then this is something I hope that's more up your alley! I absolutely love a monochrome outfit and can't imagine not creating a look for other girls like me who at times just don't like colour. I still wanted a feminine silhouette almost like a cute grunge if that makes any sense and so I went with this a-line skirt and added my piano keys beanies and boots to complete the look. Take this outfit for a spin to a concert by simply replacing my t-shirt with your own favourite band and be the coolest girl at the party!

And that's it folks!

I hope these looks have given you a little bit more inspiration to flaunt your regular old t-shirts! Remember, you can always create new and interesting outfits even if you have a super limited wardrobe. For instance, I shared 7 ways to wear the same pair of pants and still create a different look every.single.day! Yes, you can totally get yourself this free style guide by clicking the image below! Hope you enjoyed the post guys! See you on the other side with yet another freebie (yes, we're just giving these away for nothing!) that's going to be out real soon!

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