September 2013 - Chiconomical
In Bandra, Blue

I Need A Doctor...

So its been about ten days of madness and I haven't been able to do anything other than think and breathe medicines and hospitals. This little outfit is what I wore last week when my mom was in the hospital and I was busy running errands. Denim is the easiest thing to wear when you don't know your work hours, and when its...

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In Accessories, Butterfly

Under the Weather

The weather Gods have decided to take punish me for all the things I've been saying about the sporadic showers and sunlight that have graced us recently. Me n my mom have both been quite unwell this whole week and in case you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you may know that to add to all my crazy problems, I've had Mid...

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In Blogger, Fashion Blog

Little Joys

Currently, I'm bedridden, trying to study for my tests and not faint at the same time! However, this little mail that dropped in my Inbox made me smile. Guess I'm doing something right, Right?! Top Style this week! Is it weird that I'm quite excited about this?! I don't think so! You can find me on StylePile here. Oh, and if you wish,...

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In Fashion, Fashion Blog

Being Loved

Today's post is all about how much loving I've received in the last week. I've had a very very good weekend (something that hasn't happened in a long time) and because its good to share happy thoughts, I figured I'd let you in on how my weekend went. First off, my aunt flew back from the UK after 6 months away! Obviously I...

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In Butterfly, Casual

Strawberry Fields

I seem to be on a vintage dressing kick lately. Almost every outfit these days tends to have atleast one vintage (read stolen from mum's or aunt's wardrobe) piece in it. Its no surprise then, that I've pulled out a very old dress of mine to re-invent. No, not really a DIY since I spend about 6-7 hrs at home these days(of which...

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In Bag, Butterfly

Cool Lace

Some outfits don't require a lot of thinking. A simple outfit with a combination of lace and bright cropped trousers is the best way to tackle the current weather(please stop PMS-ing). Add a jacket if the weather gets chilly (how I wish this would happen) or face the rains bravely with your cropped trouser length. Adding a pair of heels makes it a...

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In Black, Block Prints

Black Stamps

You can never go wrong with a little black dress...A little black dress will always be your friend. This surprisingly applies to all forms that a 'dress' can take. Even the Indian version of 'dress' aka, the Punjabi dress. I love how vibrant this dress looks when I wear it. Its such a beautiful marriage of prints and fit that everytime I wear...

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In Bags, Blazer

If Only I Could Turn Back Time

Today's outfit post is a Throwback to simpler times in my life. If that's not your cup of tea, I guess you could skip reading and go straight to the pictures. (Wait, you don't already do that do you?) If I could turn back time, I would be listening to a little group called Aqua (does anyone remember them?) and the title is...

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In Bags, Blue

Skirting an Obsession

Your Mom's closet is a great place to shop in when your wondering what to wear. My mom's closet is full of amazing western outfits, most of them gifted by dad to her, since he's a big fan of western dressing. Of course I picked out a knee length skirt, of course its blue, I mean, that's quite obvious considering its been a...

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In Blue, Borivali

Color Rehab

Is there something called color addiction anonymous? Coz I feel I need color rehab! I've been wearing a lot of Blue lately (like you didn't notice!) and seriously need to start focusing on other colors. Somehow, I seem to be wearing exactly what my mood seems to be these days. Today's outfit was just another blue day. (A few other 'blue' outfits can...

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In Bargains, Black

Blister To Bliss

I've been having shoe problems! If  you follow me on twitter, you probably know how much of my time is spent at Uni running around doing a lot of running around. I did buy a new pair of jelly flats last month when my old ones had a rather unfortunate accident, but they turned out to be a size too small for me,...

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