Strawberry Fields
I seem to be on a vintage dressing kick lately. Almost every outfit these days tends to have atleast one vintage (read stolen from mum's or aunt's wardrobe) piece in it. Its no surprise then, that I've pulled out a very old dress of mine to re-invent. No, not really a DIY since I spend about 6-7 hrs at home these days(of which for about 5 I'm a dead asleep) and the rest at Uni. (Also the reason why the blog fails to be updated frequently these days).
This is my 'I work on the farm picking cherries and strawberries' look. Well, atleast in my head, that's the version of reality I'm living in. Even if what I'm actually doing is extremely tedious thesis research and drinking packaged berry juice. Everytime I look down though, I feel a little country, and that makes sitting at my work station bearable.
Do wear pretty clothes at home while working to make it more interesting? What do you usually wear? Talk to me in the comments below or talk to me by Email. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Bloglovin.
Lace Vest: Rs. 350, Vile Parle
Skirt: Vintage
Necklace: Rs. 100,Linking Road, Bandra
Watch: Gift from Brother
Bracelet: Rs. 20, Train
Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 470, which is ₤5!!
This is my 'I work on the farm picking cherries and strawberries' look. Well, atleast in my head, that's the version of reality I'm living in. Even if what I'm actually doing is extremely tedious thesis research and drinking packaged berry juice. Everytime I look down though, I feel a little country, and that makes sitting at my work station bearable.
Do wear pretty clothes at home while working to make it more interesting? What do you usually wear? Talk to me in the comments below or talk to me by Email. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Bloglovin.