I Need A Doctor... - Chiconomical

I Need A Doctor...


So its been about ten days of madness and I haven't been able to do anything other than think and breathe medicines and hospitals. This little outfit is what I wore last week when my mom was in the hospital and I was busy running errands. Denim is the easiest thing to wear when you don't know your work hours, and when its a denim overall, its totally awesome. Read, no need to look for a matching top!! Sold!!

I also think this is a cool way to welcome autumn, okay...erm...its still raining here so technically, its still summer/monsoon down here, but, a girl can hope right? I paired this with a simple crop top and heels. Although I have to be honest, these had come off in a couple of hours and were replaced by my trusty kicks.

Denim Dungarees: Vintage (Mom's) Similar one I like here
Heels: Rs. 600, Bandra 
Belt: Rs. 100, Bandra
Glasses: Lawrence And Mayo, Gift from Mom
Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 700, which is 7

Do you like the dungarees trend? How are you wearing your overalls? Talk to me in the comments below or on Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin or Pinterest

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