The Indian Way to Do Bohemain - Chiconomical

The Indian Way to Do Bohemain


Grab a bag and a book, and go on a journey to find yourself....

Have you all feeling the wanderlust in the air? I sure have, but sadly, work keeps me firmly in my city. Well, this doesn't mean I can't play dressup and pretend I'm on a cool trip to a place with a gorgeous pool. Right? 

White Tunic/Kurti: Rs. 250, Linking Road, Bandra
Bag: Rs. 549 Flipkart, buy here
Gladiators: Rs. 700, Hill Road, Bandra
Bracelet: Gift from blogger friend
Earrings: Rs. 100, Hill Road, Bandra
Belt: Rs. 150, Natraj Market, Malad
Sunglasses: Rs. 200, Quikr
Book: Borrowed

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 1949, which is about ₤19.

Photo Credits:  Sneha Mahimane Photography

Onto the outfit, I see that bohemian is big these days. Well, frankly, not all the ladies out there can afford to spend big bucks on fringes and feathers and crochet (for the unintiated, these are the things that usually categorize as bohemian wear). Well, I figured you can always do a slightly Indian take on Bohemian. We are known to 'Indianise' anything and everything, then why not the current trend? Well, this entire outfit can be put together using things that almost every Indian woman out there has hanging in her closet. Basic white kurti, a belt, flats, a bright bag. Oh, and sunglasses and sunscreen. Always remember sunscreen! Nothing very novel, but I still love the complete look. Of course, it would be better if I were actually at a beach, on a lounger, with a coconut drink in my hand, and a lazy day without things to do, and the sand under my feet. Oh....a girl can dream! 

Well, are you planning a trip to a beach soon? Yes? Tell me about it on FACEBOOK

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