May 2016 - Chiconomical
In Beauty, Fashion

Nature's Co May BeautyWish Box: Detox Power Edition

Nature's Co is one of my absolute favorite subscription box and I always look forward to getting it with much enthusiasm. Every month, these guys come up with new innovative ways to deliver their product and honestly, I haven't once been disappointed in the products, or the "box" or as I like to call it, a faux box. This month' the "box" was...

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In Blogger Reviews, Designerwear

Finding Affordable Designer Wear Online At Shopresso

Labels are important. If you didn't have labels then you'd probably never figure out your baking soda from your baby powder. (yes, it can happen!) Well, similarly the current generation is obsessed with designer labels. Honestly though, its quite difficult to find firstly decent designers and secondly accessible affordable clothing by said decent designers.  I initially found Shopresso during a store spotlight series...

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In Fabulours Finds, Indian Fashion Blogger

Looks For Less: 5 Fabulous Steals Under Rs. 500!!

As we get close to the end of the month, I'm pretty sure we're at the point where the money's almost run out but the month hasn't. However, if you still need to find some great deals but don't want to spend the dough then I'm your lady! Here's my compilation of fabulous steals, all online, all under Rs. 500. Yes, you're welcome! ...

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In Beauty, Blogger Review

May My Envy Box Review: Tropical Beauty Edition

The May My Envy Box comes in an absolutely tropical looking box that instantly makes me want to ditch my boring life for a summer getaway. It's a bright yellow box with the nicest bird (I like looking at birds yes) and tropical flora and fauna on it. Well, that's my favorite part of the box this month! I really think they put in...

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In Beauty, Blogger Review

May 2016 MSM Box Review: Best Face Forward Edition

May has made us feel the very real fury of mother nature. Honestly, I don't think there's anyone out there who doesn't struggle with getting their best face forward in this fiery weather and that's why this month's MSM box has the perfect theme! This month, the box comes packed full of goodies that sensible and extremely useful. Honestly, I've already started using...

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In Beauty, Blogger Review

May 2016 Fab Bag Review: The Summer Escapde

The May Fab Bag is themed summer escapde and while this is something I've been dreaming about since the start of summer, the bag doesn't exactly live up to its theme. This month, the Fab Bag comes in a neon green,clear plastic bag which simply reminnds me of the little pouches they sell on the local trains in Mumbai. It doesn't impress me...

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In Blogger Review, MINK Laundry

Review: MINK Laundry

One joys of having a hectic corporate career is that you do have a lot more money than the time when you were a student, albeit fewer opportunities to enjoy spending that money. Also, there are a lot more practical things and mundane that have to be considered such as laundry. Believe me, when you're a "corporate" (I really am starting to hate...

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In Casual Workwear, Doctor Who

How to Upstyle a Funky Tshirt

No matter how many pretty and trendy dresses I wear, I'm always a uber geek and crazy fangirl at heart. My love for Doctor Who is something that all my friends know and if they don't they're probably not good friends in the first place! (I'm not kidding, if you don't know I want to make little Matt Smith babies after talking to...

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