When in doubt, go HOT pink! - Chiconomical

When in doubt, go HOT pink!


Hot pants are those elusive pieces of fashion in my world. Not because they're not available, but because usually, they seem to cost a bomb (I refuse to pay a grand for something that barely covers my ass) or because they never seem to have my size! Being a rather skinny girl in a curvy country is NOT a good thing.

So, for the past couple of years, I've kept away, looking at those who manage to get them with longing (okay, so its really more of a jealous/envious rage, but lets pretend otherwise). But finally, since I had a trip to goa on the horizon, I decided I needed hot pants, because, well......erm...its goa innit? Isn't it like a rule that says you need to be undressed to be dressed there?

AAANND, if you can believe it, I managed to find not one, but a few in my size AND my budget! The gods of fashion street need to be thanked for this! So, now the question becomes, since there's so much in my size, what shall I buy? Hmm.......
Yes, yes, all you smarties have guessed it from my title itself innit, hot pink! Skipping all the usual colors like black, brown, etc, etc.....while I really wanted a purple one, I din like the stitching on it, so hot pink it is!

Top: Rs.200, Hill Road
Hot Pants: Rs.350, Fashion Street
Bracelets: Rs.2/piece, Trains
Earrings: Rs.10, Trains

Ohh, also I managed to get one of em, spray on tattoos!

Sorry about there only being one picture. I'm simply too lazy to loads pictures from the cam, so your gonna have to do with cell phone pictures for now! Trust me, It looked waay better in person! ( Also messy hair, compliments of the spa!) :D

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