How to Wear Kisses
Are you one of those people who dress in almost a uniform of monochrome to work? While I'm not exactly a 'working girl' yet, I have been doing a bit of work recently. Yes, with a desk and everything! (How grown-up am I?!) So while I don't have a lot of rules when it comes to dressing, I still like wearing something cute and smart. I wore this last weekend when the dress code was casual instead of formal.
Printed Shirt: Rs. 550, Ahai Shopping (Buy here)
Red Trousers: Vintage, Mom's
Heels: Rs. 800 Hill Road, Bandra (also worn here)
Earrings: Gift from Aunt
Belt: Rs. 50, D-Mart
Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 1400, which is about ₤14.
I know the heels aren't exactly rain friendly, but since it wasn't raining last week, I think I got lucky. The quirkiness of this outfit seems to reflect my mood perfectly. I forgot to show to bag when I took these outfit pictures, but I added a simple sling the carry my essentials. While the print does cause a lot of stares on the streets, I still feel its good the express yourself at times.
Do you wear any quirky prints to work? Tell me about you're look in the comments or share your pictures with me on FACEBOOK