4 Indo Western Navrati Outfit Ideas - Grey - Chiconomical

4 Indo Western Navrati Outfit Ideas - Grey


Hello hello! It's day 3 and if you've just popped over to the blog, then let me fill you in. Since its Navratri, the nine day festival that's celebrated in India, I'm sharing 3 indo-western ways to wear on particular color for every.single.day of the festival. You heard me! That means there are 3 new looks that hit the blog everyday. In case you haven't seen them yet, here are the looks for the first two days! (Day 1 | Day 2)

Grey, this is a color that not many people associate with festivities. I for one didn't really know I could make it look fun till I started planning this post. Greys are good for giving yourself a break from the riot of colors that we always associate with festivals. This was supposed to go up yesterday but then life simply got in the way and that meant I needed to delay it by a day. But hey, better late than never! However, to make up for it, I've shared 4 looks for you!! And since I wanted to give you an indowestern look guide, every look here is designed to inspire you to use what you already own.

Look 1: Power Dressing

Give a girl the right cape and she'll fly a hundred circles around you! I love pairing formal workwear outfits with something completely in contrast to make the look ethnic but still workwear appropriate. Here, I paired my formal grey dress with a long jacket. This jacket was brought as part of a pair from big bazaar and it's super versatile. If there's one thing you get yourself this festive season, it should be a long ethnic jacket. Pair it with traditionals or pair it with formals like I did, its bound it make you stand out.

Look 2: Desi Working Girl

Think you can't wear pants with traditionals? Think again! Why not let your accessories do all the talking? Pair your statement accessories with trousers with a bit of ethnic touch and you've got an outfit that's workwear appropriate but still makes you stand out. A simple silver belt and a statement coin necklace take this look from normal to navratri approriate!

Look 3: Back to Grey

Yes, this look that you've seen before here is yet another simple way to wear grey. Look for outfits in shades of grey that stand out. I can't even count the number of looks I've created with these silver grey trousers. Yet another style staple that will definitely make everything look better. Try pairing your grey tshirts with something in a richer material. It's super simple and adds a lot of interest to any monotone outfit! 

Look 4: Work to Party

Finally, this last look is just here to prove that you can wear Indian outfits to work and look absolutely smashing! This first featured on my Workwear Monday post (if you haven't seen it yet, I share workwear looks every monday, yes, all on a budget) and it got so much love from you all, I just had to share it in this grey series. An all grey look doesn't mean you merge into the darkness, in fact you can stand out easily with this look! 

Hope your weekend wasn't grey inspite of wearing greys. I absolutely love the comments and DMs I get everywhere from you and that's really what drives me to do better. Have a lovely weekend. 

PS: Don't forget to Sign Up for the Chiconomical Insider to get access to looks before they make it on the blog. There's also a really great giveaway where you get a free style consult with me where I breakdown all the steps needed to create your dream wardrobe on a budget! Sign up today!! 

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