#OfficeChic: How to Wear Indian to Work in Mumbai Rains - Chiconomical

#OfficeChic: How to Wear Indian to Work in Mumbai Rains


Happy Monday guys! Hope you've all had a lovely weekend and are now energised to face the week ahead. Over the last week we've been battling with the rain gods to get to work and add to that the festive season looming right round the corner or family functions and you've got a battle for sure! So of course I'm here to solve these potential problems for you guys.Today's post is all about how to look sharp for the office without having an outfit that literally drowns you in the rains.

Kurti: Rs. 400, Ajio
Trousers: Rs. 800, Mango Sale
Loafers with Tassels: Rs. 600, La Judi, Bandra
Bag: Rs. 600, Hill Road, Bandra
Nose Ring: Rs. 150, Banjur

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 2550, which is around ₤25

Photo Credits: Shruti Phulgirkar

The trick to wearing Indians during the rains is to skip the bulky bottoms. It's so simple that sometimes I'd assume everyone already knew it. But I had a couple of people ask me last week about dressing up in Indians when it's still raining and suddenly I felt it needed to be said. I suggest digging into your formal trousers and finding a cropped pair. These will be a lifesaver when you have to waddle through ankle deep waters and also come in easy when you have to roll them up because the water's reaching your knees.

The second tip is to keep the accessories to a minimum. It's the worst feeling in the world to reach home and realise you have a rash thanks to that statement necklace you wore. If you must, keep you acccessories limited to one key piece. A pair of earrings work the best and usually thanks to our obsession with keeping our heads dry don't affect your skin all that much.

And finally, and I've already said this a number of times, don't forget to keep an extra pair of shoes at work. There's nothing worse than wet shoes and those rubber crocs just don't cut it when it comes to workwear! Keeping a pair of neutral shoes in the office or carrying them with you (in this case, try flats) is the easiest trick to competing your look!

I hope this post helps you keep dry in the random downpours! If you've got some tips for monsoon outfits, don't hesitate to chime in on the comments section below! Have a great week ahead!

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