Chiconomical for UK: Hunting The Sales - Chiconomical

Chiconomical for UK: Hunting The Sales


I've recently found a few new blogger friends from the UK. They're all absolutely brilliant and I can't even begin to compete with them in terms of style and elegance. Thanks to them, I've started looking at many UK brands (my sister was also a BIG part of this) and since they're all on sale right now, my Chiconomical brain's working overtime! So, i'm going to do a series of outfits this week (not owned since I'm not supposed to be shopping) that I think work well and don't make you dread the credit card bill!

Today's look: A simple office look with a statement piece mainly, the lace skirt! The entire outfit costs less than ₤50!!

Earrings: Asos, ₤1.00
Necklace: Asos, ₤9.00
Skirt: New Look,₤10.00
Vest: Asos, ₤3.00
Blazer: New Look, ₤9.00
Shoes: Asos, ₤9.00
Bag: Mango, ₤8.99

I'm loving lace on everything right now, and this skirt from New Look is a complete bargain. I mean, ₤10! That's practically free innit?! The blazer is purple, PURPLE! I can wear purple every single day and still be a happy girl! And for ₤9 its absolutely brilliant!! I think the vest is a good idea because everyone has a vest in one color or another so you don't even need to buy it! Also, its the only thing I can wear in India with layering, if I don't wanna turn into a human roast! 
The neckpiece... yes, I agree its a bit pricey(being the same price as the blazer n all) but its a statement piece! I mean, you would pair it with everything rite? So that's cost per wear in pennies( that's a new concept I've learned from blogging! Thank you very much!). 
Wedges are so sensible and I actually own a similar pair and these are a great investment if your looking for a pair of heels that don't give you horrible back problems in the future. And did I mention Asos has free worldwide shipping? So these will be a great investment at bargain price!

I've realised I usually stock up on statement neckpieces and basics in sales. I believe that basics make a wardrobe more versatile and good quality basics are a must-have! What do you think of this look?? Drop a line if you like it (or even if you don't! )

Oh, TOTAL OUTFIT COST: ₤49.99  (Do you love me now!!) ;P

PS: I've got a couple more looks lined up from the bargain bin, so stay tuned! Till then, happy sale shopping! 

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