I Do! I Do! I Do! - Chiconomical

I Do! I Do! I Do!


No, I'm not singing an old Abba (yes I listen to them!) song or saying yes to a marriage proposal! Its the atmosphere thats all....
Tis the season to get married! Atleast in my country it is! It seems everyone around me is getting married, going to a marriage or talking about it. And while I'm a big fan of the extravagance that is the Indian wedding, I don't like to think that the same applies to my fashion choices. Simply because, they need quite a bit of co-ordination to take care of and no-grace people like me tend to look klutzier than usual!
While my mum maintains that a saree is the best thing to wear to a wedding, a person like me, who doesn't have the curves (or the grace) to pull it off, sticks to Indian dresses. So, here what i wore to one of the minor functions(the house puja) for a cousin's wedding. Mind you, I did have to wear a saree for the reception since I ran out of  'wedding' appropriate clothes after the first 3-4 get togethers. But, that's the story of another post...

Shh, its a secret (one that even I don't know!!)

This is one of my FAVOURITE rings! Its just the perfect size for my hand(which thanks to the matchy nailpaint looks like a witch's hand!)

I completely forgot to take full pics, sorry about that! This is the closest I could get! 

These earrings were a last minute panic purchase since I had no 'traditional' stuff to adorn my ears with. Have to say, i'm in love with them! 

I'm trying to channel the 'blushing bride' in me! Do you think I nailed it? 

Dress: Stitched for me by my wonderful grandpa
Earrings: Rs. 400, Borivali
Ring: Rs. 20, Train
Bangles: Rs.540, Malad

Have you been to any weddings lately? Lemme know how you styled yourself!

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