Navratri Orange: Day 2 - Chiconomical

Navratri Orange: Day 2


Its day two! Its a Sunday! And the color for the day is Orange. Now I had to think hard over what to wear since I don't have much orange in my closet. I spent a good fifteen minutes before I recalled buying this on one of my impulsive shopping trips with my best friend about five years ago!! Yep, its ancient, I haven't thought of it for ages now, and it took me quite some time to dig it out of the back of my closet. Perfect for my day at the beach with the folks!

Dress: Rs. 500, Globus, Bandra
Earrings: Gift from a friend
Bracelet: Save Our Tigers Goodies at Fashion Week
Watch: Borrowed from Best friend
Bag: Gift from Mum n Dad
Flat Thong Sandals: Borrowed from Sister
Glasses: Gift from Mum

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 500, which is 5!! 

I have a feeling that this dress, now that I've re-discovered it again, will fast become my go-to beach outfit. What did you wear for the second day of the festival? Talk to me in the comments below. You can also reach me on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest or Bloglovin

You can also see what I wore on Day 1 Here!

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