We do it with Waistcoats
Hello middle of the week. I can't believe how crazy its been lately. It seems that this week doesn't wanna end anytime soon. I'm seriously sleep deprived and still have a long way to go before I can celebrate the long weekend.
Shirt: Rs. 550, Globus, Bandra
Striped Trousers: Gift from Aunt
Waistcoat: Vera Wang, Vintage
Glasses: Gift from Mum
Ballet Flats: Rs. 750, Borivali
Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 1500, which is about ₤15.
This week I've had yet another presentation to be done. A graded presentation, mind you. So what do I wear when I can't seem to have time to breathe? Why slap on a waistcoat to pretend I took some time to dress up. While in reality, I probably spent the time I saved stuffing my face with all the food within my reach. Its stress eating. I realize that... I really don't care.
Well, that's all the time I have for today. Need to go study for yet another test. What do you wear when you have presentation you need to dress for? Talk to me in the comments below. You can also find me on twitter, Instagram and Facebook.