Navratri Red - Day 4 - Chiconomical

Navratri Red - Day 4


Red! I was extremely shocked when I couldn't find anything yesterday morning that was both, Uni appropriate and red. Yes, I kid you not! Thankfully, my gorgeous collection of vintage things came to my rescue. (Big thank you to my aunt!). This little top has been in the family for about 2 generations now, or so I hear! Its got handmade bead designs, is a throwback to the old days when people had time to do intricate work to their outfits and it still looks like a million bucks! Yay!!

Red Top: Vintage
White Jeans: Rs. 1200, Lee
Pearl Earrings: Gift from fabulous friend
Ring: Gift from the same friend
Heels: Rs. 500, Malad

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 1700, which is 17!

So we have a tradition in out house where we have a prayer service for all the days of the festival. I have to say, its come at a perfect time since life is a little messy right now. I'm extremely grateful to God for these little traditions that we have, that seem to calm me down. 

What have you been wearing in the festival? Talk to me in the comments below. You can find more ways to reach me here

PS: Don't forget to follow Chiconomical on Facebook!! I'll see you there! 

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