Navratri Peacock Green - Day 8 - Chiconomical

Navratri Peacock Green - Day 8


Okay. So there's a couple of versions of this day's color floating around, and I decided to follow this one, for purely selfish reason. Meaning, I wanted to wear my gorgeous peacock feather earrings. How cool are they? I got Oh so many compliments on these, so yay!!

Green Kurti: Rs. 599, Growel's Mall
Leggings: Rs. 499, Big Bazaar
Earrings: Rs. 50, Train (best investment ever!)
Bangles: Rs. 60, Train (another great investment)
Ring: Rs. 20 each, Train

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 1228, which is around 13!

I got this kurti (tunic) one of my spur of the moment shopping sprees and its such a cool material that washes quite well and looks amazing. I kept the look fairly simple as there's a lot of interesting design detail going on on the top itself and I didn't wanna steal the focus from the brilliant shade of the peacock feathers either.

Do you agree this is one of those pretty literal interpretations of the color for the day? Talk to me in the comments below. You can also talk to me on Twitter or Facebook

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