The Usual Grind - Chiconomical

The Usual Grind


I've had a massively crazy week! With tests, conferences, deadlines and presentations, you name it, I've been rushing to do it! Now I'm not one of those lets wear a shirt because its a formal occasion girl. So this got me thinking on what I could wear that would be me and still be acceptable in the college circumstances. As you know I tend to keep it simple (well, unless its accessories!) so this outfit is my take on college dressing which is very travel appropriate(I do spend half my life travelling you know!).

Printed Top: Vintage
AND Tailored Trousers: Rs. 1099, Pantaloons
Orange Belt: Rs. 300, Bandra
Earrings: Rs. 30, Trains
Watch: Borrowed from Best Friend
Satchel Bag: Rs. 600, Colaba Causeway (also worn here)

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 2029, which is around 21.

Simple printed top, with tailored trousers. You can add a fitted blazer to make it more 'workwear'. Since the temperature has been hitting the 30s this week, no blazer for me! I know, nothing extraordinary. What can I say, its been a wear classic combinations kinda week!

What do you wear to Uni/College? Talk to me in the comments below. You can also find me on Twitter and Instagram. Don't forget to drop by my Facebook page while your at it!

PS: In case you're wondering why I have funny squint eyes in most of the pictures from this week, I've got a mild eye infection. Sorry about that. Promise you, there will be better pics next week! Have a nice weekend! 

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