How to Upstyle a Funky Tshirt
No matter how many pretty and trendy dresses I wear, I'm always a uber geek and crazy fangirl at heart. My love for Doctor Who is something that all my friends know and if they don't they're probably not good friends in the first place! (I'm not kidding, if you don't know I want to make little Matt Smith babies after talking to me for over a day, I don't think we can be friends).
Anyway, one thing I face now that I've slowly transitioned into the corporate world is that I can't simply wear my old tshirts even on casual fridays without looking like a child. (damn, its a pain being a grown up isn't it!) Of course the fashion lover + crazy fangirl in me has found a simple way around this! Honestly, I've steadily been building my blazer collection. The simplest way to look grown-up yet keep the child in you alive is to just shrug on a blazer! This look is just a casual Friday look when I'm feeling the love for The Doctor (that's what you call the doctor who lead character in case you didn't know) but still have to go be a grown up at work.
I love red blazers since I believe they instantly make a look brighter, and everyone needs a little brightness at work right? Plus, this tshirt, that was a present from a friend is pure love! I almost don't wear it as much as I want to in fear of ruining it. Honestly, I'm pretty sure Matt Smith (okay, and Colin Morgan too, but then that's a whole other story) could turn me into a puddle if he ever appeared in front of me IRL so this tshirt is precious. (Pretty much everything I wont that's doctor who related is extremely precious). Oh well, fan-girling aside, this look can be replicated by using all your favorite pieces from your wardrobe with little or zero investment and still give an interesting twist to that funky tshirt you never wear to work.
Tshirt: Around Rs. 599, although this is a Gift from a friend
Jeans: Rs. 1000, Big Bazaar
Blazer: Rs. 1200, H&M
Watch: Birthday present from brother
Spiked Flats: Rs. 1200, (approx price as they're a Gift from a friend)
Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 3999, which is around £40.
Photo Credits: Sneha Mahimane Photography
How do you wear your fan-girl T-shirts? Tell me in the comments below!