Grey Peacock
13:01:00I've never really been a big fan of feathers. The only kind of feathers I used to like are the ones you can use write letters where you pretend your Shakespeare successor. (I have a few real peacock feathers I've inherited from my grandma that I used to try and write with!). But recently, I've discovered the joy of wearing feathers as fashion accessories (read earrings) and they're so lightweight its a relief to my poor skin! (my skin's allergic to all kind of dust...go figure!)
I seem to become overly conscious when the timer is ticking. :/
Note to self, learn to post better.
I tried a different setting in this picture. Again, I seem to be stuck in one pose.
A not very nice attempt to show the hairband.
I love how this picture turned out for some reason!
I kept my hair simple because I think sometimes, its just not worth the effort it takes to fix it (how lazy am I!?) A messy bun can be made chic by adding an interesting hairband. In my case, I was hoping that the shiny diamonds in my head distracted people from the fact that I hadn't bothered to sort out my hair. The earrings are an impulse buy (which my best friend opposed) and the clutch is a gift from a cousin. Overall, a quick outfit that doesn't take more than 5 minutes to put together.
Take note of the pretty detailing on the earrings!
Dress: Rs. 300, Hill Road, Bandra
Shoes: Rs. 350, Hill Road, Bandra
Earrings: Rs. 20, Train
Hairband: Gift, from aunt
Bag: Gift, from sister
Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 670, about ₤7.50!
Do you have any quick fix outfits? How do you sort out bad hair days when you can't/won't use hair-styling products? Talk to me in the comments. You could also catch me on Twitter or Instagram.
PS: I've recently started using Pinterest and I have no clue how it works tbh, so if your on there give me a shoutout, or...umm...whatever it is that you do there.