Being Loved - Chiconomical

Being Loved


Today's post is all about how much loving I've received in the last week. I've had a very very good weekend (something that hasn't happened in a long time) and because its good to share happy thoughts, I figured I'd let you in on how my weekend went.

First off, my aunt flew back from the UK after 6 months away! Obviously I went to receive her at the airport and we spent a better part of the weekend catching up! She came back with so many goodies I can't wait to share all my new beauties with you!

Next, one of my favorite bloggers, Martyne Hillman, the fabulous lady behind, Going the Extra Style, sent me a few accessories alongwith my aunt, and let.me.tell.you, Christmas has come early! I was so humbled and touched by her gesture, I'm at a loss for words! You've got great taste, Martyne! xx

And lastly, a first of firsts. A very good friend of mine, got me a truly unexpected present. I got a handbag as a present, from my friend's first earnings (yes, we students tend to celebrate these little things while stuck in the grind that is PostGraduation) and well....its red! Needless to say, I'm getting starry eyed looking at it! Stay tuned to see it (practically all the time) on the blog!

Oh, and while this is a little out of the context of gifts, my mum made the most amazing home-cooked meal on Sunday, and that just added the cherry to my cake (literally!). All in all, I feel absolutely blessed, loved and honored to have such amazing people in my life!

Thank you so much everyone! One of the nicest weekends in recent times!

Thank you for raising me right!!
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