Color Rehab - Chiconomical

Color Rehab


Is there something called color addiction anonymous? Coz I feel I need color rehab! I've been wearing a lot of Blue lately (like you didn't notice!) and seriously need to start focusing on other colors. Somehow, I seem to be wearing exactly what my mood seems to be these days. Today's outfit was just another blue day. (A few other 'blue' outfits can be seen here, here and here)

In case you don't read my blog (why not?) you know that I've been having shoe problems lately (read the post here) and so this whole outfit was mainly based on comfort. The fact that I rather liked it in the end is an added bonus! The leggings I'm wearing are true blue vintage! They used to be my mum's and have been in her closet for a good 26 years now! Still, pretty brilliant no?

Printed Tunic: Rs. 500, Borivali
Blue Leggings: Vintage, Mom's
Glasses: Gift from Mom
Trainers: Sorry, I'm not sure how much they were
Watch: Gift from Brother

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 500, which is ₤5.

Do you feel crazy about one particular color? How do you manage color obsessions? Talk to me in the comments below. You can also talk to me in many other ways found in the Contacts section above! 

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