Big City Blue - Chiconomical

Big City Blue


Blazers are something that don't really go with my city's weather. Once in a while though, the stars align enough for it to be a what I call perfect blazer weather. This is exactly what happened last week when my family decided to go on an impromptu dinner with my cousins. A little white dress, and a bright blue blazer. Need I say anything more?

Dress: Rs. 800, Fashion Street
Kate Military Blazer: Gift from sister, (Bought from Asos for 19)
Heels: Rs. 800, Hill Road, Bandra
Bag: Rs. 500, Bandra, (Not seen in pics)

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 2100, which is about ₤30 (including the blazer cost)

This blazer is absolutely perfect! I love the fit, the color and the fabulous military style. (Big thanks to my cousin for gifting it to me!). The dress is another one of my 'lets go to the beach' purchases and I love how its colors go perfecting with my blue blazer. (I can't seem to stop saying the word blazer!) Oh royal blue, I need a little bit more of you in my life!

What do you think of this outfit? Talk to me in the comments below. You can also find more ways to reach me in the Contacts section. I look forward to hearing from you! 

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