October 2013 - Chiconomical
In Angel, Charms Bracelet

Almost an Angel

So its Halloween. While I have no time to celebrate anything other than tests getting over, I decided if I couldn't go and celebrate I could atleast have a little Halloween feeling at home (Its awrite to wear pretty clothes and study at home right?). This is the most 'angelic' dress that I own. While I don't have angel wings and a halo,...

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In Fashion Blogger, Formal Look

We do it with Waistcoats

Hello middle of the week. I can't believe how crazy its been lately. It seems that this week doesn't wanna end anytime soon. I'm seriously sleep deprived and still have a long way to go before I can celebrate the long weekend. Shirt: Rs. 550, Globus, Bandra Striped Trousers: Gift from Aunt Waistcoat: Vera Wang, Vintage Statement Necklace: Rs. 200, Borivali (also worn...

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In Butterly, Dress

Wardrobe Optimization

No, I'm not really going to go all technical on you and start talking about efficient algorithms and implementations. I have enough of that in Uni and this is my happy place! I just can't seem to shake off the 'lingo' we use all day, hence the title. Engineers tend to make up big words and titles to sound all intelligent, when all...

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In Bandra, Casual

Just Another Maniac Monday

Till last month, I used to love Monday mornings. It was the only day of the week when I could reach Uni a bit late and sleep a little more. This Monday wasn't like that. I have be up since about 5.30 and have been on my feet the whole day. Not to mention I need to study for a dozen tests and...

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In Asos, Blue

Combating October Heat

If you've met me in the last few weeks, I've probably complained about the heat to you...quite a bit....like every 5 seconds. Maybe its just me, but it seems that every time I have a second to relax, I can't even breath because the heat is killing me softly. (Can that happen? Sure feels like it!) Asos Shorts: Rs. 300, Fashion Street (also...

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In Bags, Belt

Mixing Prints

Prints are really big this season. Well, in my wardrobe atleast. I remember a conversation with my cousin round about the time I started this blog where she was asking me to get some prints in my life. Yes, my wardrobe consists mostly of block colored outfits that I like to layer with crazy accessories. She on the other hand is a big...

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In AND Trousers, Bandra Shopping

The Usual Grind

I've had a massively crazy week! With tests, conferences, deadlines and presentations, you name it, I've been rushing to do it! Now I'm not one of those lets wear a shirt because its a formal occasion girl. So this got me thinking on what I could wear that would be me and still be acceptable in the college circumstances. As you know I...

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In Bags, Bandra

A Hint of Autumn in October Heat

Have you been sweating like crazy lately?! I sure have! October heat has arrived! Okay, its more like almost gone, but this past week is when I've really started feeling October. Bringing in heat from all directions, Uni, Home and the very literal sense, its making me wish for cooler 'Autumn/Winter' or what passes as winter in Mumbai. Grey Tee: Gift from Cousin...

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