Through the Looking Glass: Style Choices in 2013 (September to December) - Chiconomical

Through the Looking Glass: Style Choices in 2013 (September to December)


This is the last part of my outfit round up of 2013. I'm a little sad, a little happy and quite excited to say buhbyee to 2013 and a big hello to 2014! Its been a rollercoaster. I've started Uni again, done fairly well, cursed quite a bit about how rubbish my life was in the last few months and still managed to enjoy myself. I have a few resolutions lined up for the coming year. Do you have any yet?
I have so much love for this outfit. Its basically the definition of my style. Perfectly! Read complete post here

Tartan was on my mind. A lot. This was one of my dearest weekend outfits. Read complete post here

This dress is such a versatile piece. I can wear it everywhere! Read complete post here

I love how the colors of this outfit pop! Read complete post here

How can I forget this dress that works for all seasons! Read complete post here

 Finally, my Christmas outfit! Oh how I still hear all the Ho Ho Ho! Read post here

And Thats it folks! 2013 has been fun. Now lets all gear up to welcome 2014. Party hard everybody! Here's hoping you get all your heart's desires in the coming year! See you on the other side!

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