Winter is gone now! Well, almost. We're currently in that cusp where it is cool in the mornings and warm during the day. This is the perfect weather for scarfs in my book, those little pieces of cloth that are easy to manage depending on the mood swings that the weather has been prone to recently. Now recently, my brother asked me to...
Hi everyone! Sorry for having been MIA for the last few days. I've been trying to manage my new Uni schedule and assignments that have poured in right from day one. Also, my camera decided to stop working, and since I can't afford to buy a new one, I've gotta try and fix this one. Hopefully, I'l be back with new outfit posts...
Its raining here! Raining!! India should NOT have rains in January. Its just unnatural and has put my whole schedule off track. After a frantic morning of searching for my rain gear as well as rain-friendly outfits to substitute my original planned outfit (yes, I plan outfits in advance now, blame it on the new year) I had to turn my wardrobe upside...
My shirt has kissing on it! It has lipstick KISSES! How cool is that?! I've been lusting after this shirt for quite a while now, but since I've been on a very tight budget recently, I couldn't really afford it. (Even with its oh so chiconomical price tag). So when I found out about a share and win campaign by the fabulous people...
Hello everyone! Happy Makar Sankrant! Today was the awesome Kite flying festival!! How did you spend your day? Mine was spent with family and food and flying kites. Well, more food if I'm brutally honest. We've had a little winter chill this week but today's outfit is actually something I wore last week. I managed to bump my leg a week back while...
In case you haven't noticed, I have long hair (wow! way to go with the revelations huh?). For quite some time, I've been asked by various people about my haircare routine. Well, embarrassing as it is to say, I ...erm...don't have one. I know! Shock! Call the hair cops! I really do need to get one, in all honesty. So, I've decided to...
I love it when we're graced with that one odd day of winter. This happened a couple of days ago, this gave me the perfect opportunity to bring out my new shirt. I've got major love for this shirt! It's got two of my favorite things in the world. Together! A denim shirt with a checkered front in classic colors. B.L.I.S.S. Denim and...