I'm Kissing You Goodbye - Chiconomical

I'm Kissing You Goodbye


My shirt has kissing on it! It has lipstick KISSES! How cool is that?! I've been lusting after this shirt for quite a while now, but since I've been on a very tight budget recently, I couldn't really afford it. (Even with its oh so chiconomical price tag). So when I found out about a share and win campaign by the fabulous people at Ahai Shopping, how could I resist!

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Of course I'm always sensible and tie up my hair when travelling on public transport!

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My attempts at trying to get a sultry kiss pose! Lol! 

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Lipstick Print Shirt: Around Rs. 550, Ahai Shopping, Buy here
Jacquard Trousers: Rs. 500, Globus
Bag: Old, Coach
Necklace: Rs. 400, Colaba Causeway
Ballet Flats: Rs. 150, D-Mart
Belt: Rs. 50, D-Mart

Total Outfit Cost: Rs. 1650, which comes out to about ₤16.

I got this shirt last month, and like a hoarder I've been saving it for a special occasion. However, I've recently realised, I don't need to wait for a 'special' occasion, everyday is special if you take the effort. So I decided to wear this to a semi-formal luncheon with a few friends of the family. I usually dress office chic when I'm in doubt about what to wear, and this look has just the right amount of class and quirk all melded together to make a look I absolutely adore! I feel that this lipstick print is going to be big in the new couple of months! (I've also seen it on a few of the style icons on the blogosphere)

Would you wear the lipstick print to work? How would you style it? Talk to me in the comments below! You can also send me your pictures and thoughts on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook!

PS: You guys should go and check out Ahai Shopping! They have some amazing stuff and they offer free shipping! You can find a link to their site on the tabs to the right! Enjoy! 

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