Sunday Haircare: How to Take Care of Long Hair - Chiconomical

Sunday Haircare: How to Take Care of Long Hair


In case you haven't noticed, I have long hair (wow! way to go with the revelations huh?). For quite some time, I've been asked by various people about my haircare routine. Well, embarrassing as it is to say, I ...erm...don't have one.
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I know! Shock! Call the hair cops! I really do need to get one, in all honesty. So, I've decided to do a regular shall we say, hair watch routine on the blog (hey! If my friends have to hear my hair tales, so do you! I mean, you guys are my friends too right?). In this first post, I wanted to highlight some of the things that have been known (mostly yelled at me by my friends and mom) to help maintain long hair.

1. Become a Grease Monkey! At home!
No, it isn't learning how to fix car problems that will help your hair. Although I'm sure that skill does come in handy at times (but its got nothing to do with hair!!). However, oiling you hair does help. Its not for no reason that this idea has survived through the dark ages (read when there was no electricity, I'm literal like that). I usually oil my hair once a week (okay okay, once every 15 days or so) and then wash out the oil the next day. While it does require a bit of elbow grease while washing out, its worth the happiness you feel when your hair doesn't fall out.
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2. Ten hairstyles in a day, oh so cool! (NOT!)
So this applies to any kind of hair to be honest. This is strictly my personal experience, but overstyling is quite bad for the hair. While I'm all for trying out new hairstyles everyday, please don't start using heating irons and mousse everyday. It will keep your locks nicely coiffed, but the long term results are horrible. Think dry hair that looks like its been put in the grinder. If you must, try one of those all natural mousses. I haven't used one ever, but I'm sure your neighbourhood durg store will come to your rescue. (Note to self: research hair styling products)
Updo-Wedding-Hairstyle-Hairdo-Ideas-Recogidos-Moños-Bodas-7.jpg (790×1221)
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3. A big pony a day keeps the hair away, literally.
I used to be one of those girls(who am I kidding, I still am) who gets easily annoyed with the hair in her face and (quite angrily) puts it all into a tight ponytail high up on the head. While this is great while your travelling on public transport, I recommend a simple braid that doesn't pull your hair too tight instead. The ponytails keep your hair off your face, but they also slowing pull them off your head! Yikes!

100 Ponytail Hairstyles for All Hair Lengths  #ponytail #ponytailhairstyles
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4. Under my umbrella
Finally, this is something we (I) often forget. Hair is supposed to protect us from the harsh sun and all those other things that may be trying to fry our brains. However, this doesn't mean we forget about it. I've seen my aunt use an umbrella and a headscarf everytime we go out in the scorching heat and believe me, her hair is so much better for it. Always try to protect your hair from harsh sunrays (especially in the afternoon in a sunny country) using a scarf or a hat. Believe me, it works as a fashion statement and a hair care technique. Score!
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as seen here

So these are my very general hair care tips. I promise I'l do a detailed post on each of these, and other little things that have helped me. In the meantime, don't forget to let those locks shine!

PS: If you have any questions, you can talk to me on Twitter and Facebook

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