Lakme Fashion Week Day 5: Shantanu and Nikhil
Fashion shows are grand performances, they have a story told by the clothes, the models enact this story, and all runway's a stage. This is something that Shantanu and Nikhil proved with their impeccably dressed and designed performance. The models coming on to the runway from the hall entrances was a great way to convey the theme, The Tourist. There were clocks telling time for some of the major cities of the world which I felt was a nice little touch. The collection, well, lets just say, people at the airport terminals never looked this good.
This look reminds me of Chuck Bass from gossip girl!
Keep it simple...and let your lips do all the talking
For the woman who goes to work right after getting off at the airport
If you must travel, travel with style and elegance.
Yellow to stand out, like you should!
Holiday in Ibiza anyone?
Just another working woman...
Bollywood actress Bipasha Basu, looking more chic than I've seen her in a long time!
Actress Bipasha Basu with Shantanu and Nikhil
Would you consider any of these looks the next time you have a flight? Talk to me in the comments about what you consider appropriate tourist attire. You can also speak to me on twitter.
For more Lakme Fashion Week posts and pictures, click here.
Disclaimer: All images are from facebook LFW page or the indiatimes photogallery. No copyright infringement intended.