Lakme Fashion Week Day 4: Archana Rao
Archana Rao's collection took me back to school days. We were taught basic embroidery and the cross stitch was my favorite because of its uniformity. It was so simple to make designs on a piece of cloth by lining up all those little x's that it made me feel in awe of the power of a needle and thread. Well, this collection has exactly that, but on a much grander scale. My favorite part? The shoes!! I know I know, its a little weird that I like those best, but they were truly amazing. Little bit of detailing on the heels to match the clothes, stunning!
This skirt is the best of this collection. I especially like the way it moves.
Wear a garden today.
These trousers are seriously wicked.
This entire outfit is something I would buy in a snap! Throw a blazer on and you'v got perfect office wear.
Yet another pretty pair of trousers. Seriously considering getting similar ones stitched.
I told you that they've got some nice shoes. Unfortunately, try as I might, I couldn't get a good picture of them. But take my word for it, they had the same patterns as the dresses. And looked extremely wearable.
Do you have any memories of learning stuff in school and then seeing it in the shops? Talk to me in the comments. You can also send me a tweet on twitter.
For more Lakme Fashion Week posts and pictures, click here.
Disclaimer: All images are from facebook LFW page or the indiatimes photogallery. No copyright infringement intended.