Friendship Day Relaxation
Friendship day is a very big deal in my city. I woke up to lots of texts from various friends wishing me and the day just went on being a typical Sunday from there. Read lazy and relaxed. I did manage to go for a walk with a couple of friends. Thank you weather for not raining on our parade. Sadly, I didn't take any pictures when I was out (well, I forgot my camera, oops!) so the outfit pictures are all at home. (Missing my best friend for a zillion reasons here)
Jumper: Vintage, Mom's
Hot Pink Shorts: Rs.400, Fashion Street (also worn here)
Necklace: Rs.200, Borivali (also worn here)
Flat Shoes: Rs.350, Hill Road, Bandra
Glasses: Gift from Mom, Lawrence And Mayo
Umbrella: Rs.350, Malad
Total Outfit Cost: Rs.1300, about ₤14!
I wore my hot pink shorts (these were one of the first things to feature on my blog here) with a vintage jumper that belonged to my mom! Keeping it simple, i just used my fabulous umbrella(its shocking how I use it everyday but it still hasn't featured on the blog) as an accessory. Of course, this blue necklace doesn't seem to leave my neck these days, so it had to be there! All in all, just a casual, weekend outfit.
What did you do to celebrate friendship day? Do you have any typical weekend outfits you fall back on? Talk to me about them in the comments below. You can also find many other ways to contact me here.
What did you do to celebrate friendship day? Do you have any typical weekend outfits you fall back on? Talk to me about them in the comments below. You can also find many other ways to contact me here.