Mamma Mia! - Chiconomical

Mamma Mia!


Have you heard of Abba? My parents are both big fans of the group and I've grown up listening to lots of songs from the 80s and 90s. This means that I'm also a fan of the fashion trends from that era. As these have been making a comeback recently, I figured I might aswell use this as a chance to wear one of my favorite inspirations.

My obsession with wearing mint continues (I'm deperately waiting for a little cash to trickle in so that I can buy a few mint statement accessories I've been eyeing recently). Until then, this little all mint number will have to do. I feel like I'm about to go on a skating/dancing date along the lines of those old school date movies. Its interesting to note that the entire outfit is vintage (save the necklace and shoes). Gotta love mom's habit of keeping things as momentos!

Total Outfit Cost: Nil! Every single thing I'm wearing has been tailormade or gifted!!! 

Do you like dressing up in outfits reminiscent of a past era? What outfits do you like from the yesteryears? Talk to me about them in the comments below. You can also talk to me in various other ways mentioned in the Contacts section above! 

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