Look Like an Aunt, Sting like a Bee - Chiconomical

Look Like an Aunt, Sting like a Bee


Ever since I started teaching, I've been wearing what I classified as 'aunty' clothes. Basically, its what mums in India tend to wear everyday. This look was something that reminded me of what I'd probably wear when I became a mum and gained loads of weight. This top was bought for an aunt turned out to be too small for her, so it ended up in my wardrobe. My only problem with this, its really hard to properly iron it and tends to crease a lot!

Top: Rs.500, Fashion Street
Trousers: Rs.500, Tantra, Malad
Earrings: Rs.250, Bandra
Shoes: Rs.350, Hill Road, Bandra
Bag: Gift from Cousin

Total Outfit Cost: Rs.1600, about 17.

I really like the color and think its good enough to stand on its own, so I kept the accessories to a minimum and just added a pair of matching danglers. I'm plesantly surprised at how I ended up liking the overall look. This outfit is something that I would wear to uni (yes, I'm a uni girl again!) and its just the outfit for no fuss days when you can't be arsed with looking for accessories. And at the end of the day, its not what you wear, its how you wear it! Don't you think so?

Do you have any outfits that you thought looked very drab but still made you feel pretty? Tell me all about them in the comments below! You could also talk to me in various ways seen in the Contacts section.

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